Games Feedback
Below are comments and feedback from those who have played my games.
MrBlueSky -,
March 2023
"Armory is a set collection buying game about trying [to] assemble collections of weapons and armor. It’s in the early stages, but its core concept does feel fun. "
Josh, at UnPub at PAXEast about
Enemy Lines: Millenium
"This is tough; I love it! Lots of tactics involved."
Doug, at 2023 UnPub at PAXEast about Armory
"Love the special cards and strategizing around them. . . lot of suspense, anticipation."
MrBlueSky -, March 2023
"Armory is a set collection buying game about trying [to] assemble collections of weapons and armor. It’s in the early stages, but its core concept does feel fun. "
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